WHY ARE BIRDS A PEST? There are several reasons to consider birds a pest:
- Health risks. Birds, their droppings and nesting materials can carry different bacterial, fungal and virus diseases such as: Histoplasmosis, Salmonella, Bird flu, Encephalitis, Meningitis, Candidasis or Vibriosis among many others. They also can host parasites and mites.
- Property damage. Constructive techniques have created ideal nesting and roosting areas. They provide them shelter and knolls (to find food and water). Bird droppings are acid and can corrode paint, building materials (steel, wood, concrete, tiles, etc.). The longer bird droppings are left on a surface greater will be the damage.
- Safety. People can slip on pigeon or any other bird droppings and can even demand compensation for the harm received. Birds can affect airplanes. Thousands of hits between airplanes and birds are recorded each year.
- Clogged drains. If birds choose gutters or drainage systems to roost or nest on them, their droppings or nests can cause a blockage on the system. This can cause big damages to the building’s structure when heavy rains occur and can lead to the appearance of fungus, insects, etc..
- Company image. In the food industry is very important that no pests, including, birds are around the facilities (hygiene, safety, etc.). But also many people won’t enter a building that shows bird droppings (signs, facade, windows, etc.). people might assume that a building spoiled with bird droppings holds a dirty business inside. Protect your brand.
- Birds can affect crops, they can consume lots of food for humans and animals
- Apart from carrying potential diseases and ectoparasites (mainly mites and ticks that can bite humans), birds can be annoying because the noises they can create.
- Some birds, especially seagulls, can be aggressive to humans when searching for food.
We must understand that birds are beneficial in many ways. But sometimes, they have to e managed: when they enter a home or a food processing facility, when they roost or install nests in historic buildings, when they pose risk to humans (in airports, for example), etc..
Normally the best solution to any bird problem is IPM (Integrated Pest Management). This includes structural repairs, proper waste management, education, mechanical techniques (in some cases biological techniques are also an option). Chemical approaches are not normally used, only in very special situations. Many of the bird control programs require accurate planning and time. We will:
- Design a plan (written with drawings) of bird exclusion systems when needed
- We will use nearly invisible systems when using bird exclusion systems
- We will design a maintenance plan when bird exclusion systems are installed
- We can design protocols for proper food and water management.
- We can help you improve your waste disposal management
- We can help you design your home, facility , etc., so less nesting or roosting areas are provided to birds
- We can help you re-design your landscape to reduce the possibility of finding roasting and nesting areas.
How to
Exclusion is commonly the most widely used system to control birds. New techniques are coming into the market and the quality of the products are improving day by day. Nets last longer, they are almost invisible, but also monofilament lines (electrical or not) and many others are available today. The fact that this methods don’t eliminate birds but just make them stay away from the areas we want to protect might be the cause for this. The first thing we’ll do is carry on a thorough inspection and a full plan designed to fulfill and even exceed your expectations. We will offer the following possible solutions to each case:
- Structural repairs. We can provide you with a full report to make your own structural repairs or our technicians can do many of the structural repairs that could be needed.
- Use of monofilament lines. This system is commonly used on ledges or other areas where birds roost or perch
- Electrical wires. Normally two wires are used. This wires carry high voltage and low amperage which poses little risk to humans.
- Spikes. There are many different kinds of spike systems for different situations and different types of birds.
- Netting. They are nearly invisible and preserve the aesthetic characteristics of your building
- Gels and pastes. Commonly used as repellents because they are used to make the bird that contacts with them uncomfortable.
We also offer maintenance programs that will ensure the complete effectiveness of the systems used to control birds.
We can offer you a thorough inspection that will lead to a comprehensive but also complete action plan. When exclusion methods are to be used we will offer a whole explanation of what’s proposed, how will it be done and the results of what’s offered (pictures, diagrams, etc ,that will show how the treated area will look like after the work is done).
We’ll be efficient and careful making sure that the job is properly done and that the functionality and aesthetic of the building remains preserved.