Our Insect control programs are based on Pest Management Prevention. It’s not just a matter of eliminating existing pests but making everything possible to avoid future infestations. We won’t juts spray a biocide but we will use a multiple step approach to help you solve your problem. When offering solutions we will try to use the most permanent and environmentally friendly ones. We have the tools, the knowledge and the continuous training of our certified technicians to ensure that you always get the best solution to your pest problem.
Pest Management Prevention is a strategy that goes beyond Integrated Pest Management. It’s similar, but the action takes place before the pest is introduced to the facility, instead of taking place as a result of pest activity. Through regular internal Audits we can help you identify situations that can be conducive to the presence of pests. Once detected we can also give advice on how to eliminate them.
We offer a complete range of services that among others, include:
- Ants
- Cockroaches
- Flies
- Mosquitoes
- Spiders
- Mites
- Other crawling insects: Crickets, Millipedes, Springtails, Earwigs, Booklice, Silverfish, …
- Sowbugs
- Stored Product Pests
Proactive strategy that modifies the factors that allow pests to exist – Insects need food, water and shelter. By removing one of those we can be sure that the pest will be eliminated. Let us inspect your facility, design a control plan, monitor its efficiency, in one word control the pest the best possible way and trying to do everything possible to ensure that the pest doesn’t appear again. Try to be Proactive, not Reactive.
If you are an organic facility or wish to have a complete ecologically friendly program a tailor made solution is available. In any case we will also prioritize pest prevention methods to the use of baits or chemical approaches. These latter approaches are used by Serdepec S.L., when the situations warrants it.
We will also evaluate the environmental impact of our program.
A shift in emphasis in pest management practices
In a conventional IPM program, the technician spends most of his time checking the control stations (bait stations, traps, etc.). So most of the technician’s time is spent on data collecting. On the contrary, Integrated Pest Prevention, allows the technician to use more time inspecting and less time checking. Both things are important. The real change is the qualification of the technician, having a person that is properly trained that knows what to look for. This means, more education, aptitude and experience. The new philosophy in pest management generates hours of productive inspections. Our clients find out that with this philosophy more value is generated that with other more traditional pest management methods.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Integrated Pest Prevention (IPP)
There are many different approaches to general insect control. In some cases humidity reduction can be very efficient, in others sealing cracks and crevices might be the answer to an insect pest, we might have to use insecticides in some other cases. There’s not just one answer to solve each problem. We will develop a specific plan, tailor made, designed to meet your needs and even exceed your expectations.
Integrated Pest Prevention is fundamental in our insect control strategy. We will not only eliminate any kind of infestation you might have but try to detect what can be done in order to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. Sanitation, reducing entry points, good maintenance of interiors and exteriors are basic on a program that goes beyond just controlling insects, but properly managing them.
We can design protocols for producers of organic food or if you simply don’t want to use any kind of chemicals in you facility or home. We have special protocols for any situation that will succeed in controlling pests but also doing it in a way that meets and even exceeds your expectations.
How to
We will design a pest control plan designed to control the insect pest that has infested your home/facility. The control plan will ensure that it does what’s needed to control the pest but also takes care of the environmental issues regarding the following:
- What can be done to ensure that the pest is controlled and whenever possible, doesn’t come back again
- Prioritizing the use of products and techniques that are more environmentally friendly and safer for people and non target fauna.
We can work with protocols of the most exigent Auditors. Certifications Guaranteed – you worry less as our experience means successful audits.
We will protect your Brand. Don’t let pests harm your reputation
Is your business organic? Are you worried about the use of insecticides? Don’t worry we have specific plans for you that can control pests effectively and can be totally pesticide free.
Be proactive, don’t act just as a result of something happening. If you have a problem with insects, we will solve it for you. But once done or before having the pest, let us help you implement a good management strategy that will even exceed your expectations. We have a solution to every problem. Let us show you a new dimension of insect management, the Integrated Pest Prevention. Integrated Pest Prevention is key in our culture – prevention is always cheaper then dealing with a catastrophe.
100% Guarantee. Tolerance = ZERO
Don’t wait to implement what’s coming, do it before you are obliged to do it.
mosKIT OUT system
Disfrute de su jardín o deje que sus clientes disfruten de una tranquila cena en su terraza o porche sin mosquitos.
Es un sistema que permite aplicar un repelente contra mosquitos o un insecticida de forma que se crea una fina niebla en momentos puntuales para repeler o eliminar mosquitos. El sistema incluye:
- depósito para el insecticida o repelente
- bomba mezcladora que asegure que los productos repelentes o insecticidas estén siempre bien preparados a la concentración adecuada,
- bomba para impulsar el producto y,
- nebulizadores para crear la niebla fina.
Es fundamental colocar los nebulizadores de forma correcta allí donde acostumbran a descansar los mosquitos. El sistema puede usarse de forma manual o automática.
Una vez instalado MOSKITOUT SYSTEM es como si no estuviera instalado. No notará cambios en su zona ajardinada y parecerá que no está instalado. No importa como sea el área a cubrir, el sistema puede instalarse de forma que pase totalmente inadvertido.
Los mosquitos tienden a pasar muchas horas escondidos entre las sombras que les proporcionan arbustos, plantas o árboles. Así se exponen menos al calor diurno. Los mosquitos no se alimentan de sangre sino de sustancias vegetales que consumen mientras están escondidos entre la vegetación. La sangre la usan las hembras para madurar sus huevos.
Cuando Moskitout System se conecta, se crea una ligera niebla que elimina o repele a los mosquitos que están en la zona. Esto provocará que los mosquitos se vayan del sitio donde se ha aplicado la ligera niebla (uso de repelentes) o se eliminarán por el efecto del insecticida.
El sistema puede pre-programarse o activarse de forma manual. En función del tipo de mosquito que les afecte se recomendará programar la unidad para que funcione al caer el sol y al amanecer. Si se elige la función manual se recomienda poner en marcha la maquinaria siempre al caer el sol, justo antes de que los mosquitos se activen buscando nuevas fuentes de sangre para madurar sus huevos.
Un estudio de investigación realizado en 2007, financiado por el estado de Florida y llevado a cabo por entomólogos de la Universidad A&M de Florida, documentó la eficacia de este tipo de sistemas, comparando los recuentos de mosquitos en los sitios que tenían sistemas como nuestro MOSKITOUT SISTEM con los recuentos en los sitios de control que no los tenían.
Durante las primeras semanas del estudio, se informó que “la abundancia media de mosquitos en los patios tratados era menor en comparación con los patios no tratados, donde la reducción oscilaba entre el 71% y el 98%”.
Y después de una sequía que se produjo durante la mitad del período de estudio, “. . . la reducción osciló entre el 62% y el 91%, en comparación con los patios sin los sistemas”.