Leaders in Innovation

  • THERMONOX. We are pioneers in Spain in the use of heat treatments to control pests. (Link to Thermonox)
  • K9 TREATMENTS. The first and up till now, only dog in Spain, trained to detect bed bugs and that works continuously arrived at our company in May 2011
  • BIOCONTROL. We have started with great success our Biocontrol program. In a totally ecological way, using bacteria and enzymes, we can eliminate the biofilm in which many pests live on, prevent the appearance of potentially dangerous bacteria, especially in the food industry, and control odors that often appear in different kinds of conducts.
  • ECOGESTION. The same efficacy in Pest Management while using strategies that protect more intensively the environment. We protect you from pests and we do it protecting also our planet – AND WE BELIEVE WE CAN REALLY MAKE IT
  • Pioneers in using management systems that guarantee the complete traceability of the services we provide. Using QR (Quick Response Bar Codes) we can always know when the control points installed in you plant/home have been inspected (day/hour/minute/second). This guarantees you and third party auditors, inspectors, etc., that the service is being fulfilled.
  • TECHNOLOGY USED TO DETECT PESTS TRENDS. Our TDTP program uses colored maps that show the points or areas where more pest activity is found. Checking this maps we can identify where problems are found more often, and we can also detect pest trends. This allows us to establish strategies based in objective criteria, that will lead to a greater and faster success.
  • SECUROX. Using chlorine dioxide we offer Legionella management services especially designed for complex installations where Legionella outbreaks are found periodically. If this is you case, we can offer you the best solution to your problem. Techonology available for water purification. Find out more.
  • New program to control pests using vacuum + gases (inert or carbon dioxide). This technology is already available for food products and raw materials. We expect to have it also ready for wood destroying organisms, especially cork, in the near future.
  • Already working on a new heat program using chambers. This technology is ideal to control bed bugs. Specially designed for treatments in homes, hostels and hotels. Ideal to treat mattresses, bedsprings, furniture (including chairs and sofas), and can also be used to treat linen and clothes.

Our CEO giving a lecture about bedbugs in PestWorld 2011 (New Orleans)

Our commitment: Continue innovating so we can always offer the latest technology in Pest Management Programs.

This commitment would be impossible to achieve if we don’t continue with our education programs. All our employees are very active participating in the educational sessions we are implementing periodically. To guarantee the effectiveness of this educational programs, all of them end with tests and with specific sessions for qualified technicians.

Offering Best Quality Services To Our Customers

Depec’s success is the direct result of our investment in knowledge and education. Knowledge and Investigation of new technologies that can be applied in our industry, continuous education of all our employees, not only for our technicians. This way we can offer a global service, from the person that picks up the phone to the technician that provides the services to our clients. This continuous education permits that our employees increase their knowledge which will lead to a Maximum Quality of the services we provide. This strategy has allowed us to keep on growing and being better every day. Our customers value our bet for Quality in its maximum sense.

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